Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Kozliks Balsamic Mustard with Figs and Dates (8.8 ounce)

Kozliks Balsamic Mustard with Figs and Dates (8.8 ounce)

Kozliks Balsamic Mustard with Figs and Dates combines the bite of good mustard with the deep, sweet flavor of premium balsamic vinegar. To heighten the sweetness and tame the sharpness of the mustard, figs and dates are added for a Mediterranean melody of flavors. It's a natural in vinaigrettes, but also delicious with pheasant and other game meats. Since 1948, Anton Kozlik has been producing exceptional mustard for flavoring dishes of all types, from sandwiches to sauces to gourmet entrees. You might be surprised to find out that Canada grows over 90% of the world's mustard supply, along with having the world's oldest and largest mustard mill. Kozlik's has been using this incredibly fresh source of raw mustard to craft their exceptional blends.

List Price:

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